Math Common

Math conventions to reduce boilerplate code. Useful for rounding values:

import java.math.RoundingMode

val rounding =, RoundingMode.FLOOR)

rounding.round(1.257) // 1.25
rounding.round(1.253) // 1.25

// Alternatively:

1.257.round(rounding) // 1.25
1.253.round(rounding) // 1.25

You can also just pass the number of desired decimal places to round, in which case HALF_UP is used as the rounding mode:

1.257.round(2) // 1.26

To round the result of a calculation, pass a function block to the round method: { 3.14159 * 10.0.squared() } // 314.16

// Alternatively:

{ 3.14159 * 10.0.squared() }.round(2) // 314.16


The extension functions squared and cubed are available for simple math operations with Double, Float, Long, and Int:

2.squared() // 4
2.0.cubed() // 8.0


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Core functions and types.