Vaughn Vernon
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Domain-Driven Design Distilled is a quick-paced introduction to the subject, a book that can be read in a single afternoon. For whom read Implementing Domain-Driven Design from the same author, it can feel at first a guide for that book, which is misleading.

This new book offers a concise and fresh overview on the designing of Bounded Context, Subdomains, Context Mapping, Aggregates and Domain Events. Most of the design techniques are explained in a more accessible language than found on IDDD (the “Distilled” in the book’s title is accurate), which is possible thanks to the author’s expertise.

And the comparison with its previous book stops here. Aside its accessibility, the author explain useful techniques for domain modelling, and the best examples are found on chapters 2 (Strategic Design with Bounded Contexts and the Ubiquitous Language), 5 (Tactical Design with Aggregates) and 6 (Tactical Design with Domain Events) and 7 (Acceleration and Management Tools).

The Event Storming as depicted in chapter 7 is a good example of useful technique not available on IDDD. It is extremely well delivered as a recipe, which makes both good to experiment as one of your first design activities in your’s DDD adoption and to check if you’re doing well.

If you’re interested in the subject, this book is highly recommended as a starting point.

Some quotes

DDD is a set of tools that assist you in designing and implementing software that delivers high value, both strategically and tactically. Your organization can’t be the best at everything, so it had better choose carefully at what it must excel. The DDD strategic development tools help you and your team make the competitively best software design choices and integration decisions for your business. Your organization will benefit most from software models that explicitly reflect its core competencies. The DDD tactical development tools can help you and your team design useful software that accurately models the business’s unique operations.

Questions about whether design is necessary or affordable are quite beside the point: design is inevitable. The alternative to good design is bad design, not no design at all.

A word closely related to good is effective, and it possibly more accurately states what we should strive for in software design: effective design. Effective design meets the needs of the business organization to the extent that it can distinguish itself from its competition by means of software. Effective design forces the organization to understand what it must excel at and is used to guide the creation of the correct software model.

DDD teaches a way of thinking to help you and your team refine knowledge as you learn about your business’s core competencies. This learning process is a matter of discovery through group conversation and experimentation.

First, a Bounded Context is a semantic contextual boundary. This means that within the boundary each component of the software model has a specific meaning and does specific things. The components inside a Bounded Context are context specific and semantically motivated.

The software model inside the context boundary reflects a language that is developed by the team working in the Bounded Context and is spoken by every member of the team that creates the software model that functions within that Bounded Context. The language is called the Ubiquitous Language because it is both spoken among the team members and implemented in the software model. Thus, it is necessary that the Ubiquitous Language be rigorous—strict, exact, stringent, and tight.

When compared with all the software your organization uses, a Core Domain is a software model that ranks among the most important, because it is a means to achieve greatness. A Core Domain is developed to distinguish your organization competitively from all others. At the very least it addresses a major line of business. Your organization can’t excel at everything and shouldn’t even try. So you choose wisely what should be part of your Core Domain and what should not. This is the primary value proposition of DDD, and you want to invest appropriately by committing your best resources to a Core Domain.

Yet developers working in a DDD project need to carefully resist the urge to be so technically centered that they cannot accept the business focus of the core strategic initiative. Rather, the developers should reject any uncalled-for terseness and be able to embrace the Ubiquitous Language that is gradually developed by the team inside their particular Bounded Context.

Both developers and Domain Experts should reject any tendency to allow documents to rule over conversation. The best Ubiquitous Language will be developed by a collaborative feedback loop that drives out the combined mental model of the team. Open conversation, exploration, and challenges to your current knowledge base result in deeper insights about the Core Domain.

Is your Ubiquitous Language formed from a set of well-known nouns? Nouns are important, but often software developers put too much emphasis on the nouns within a domain model, forgetting that spoken language is composed of far more than nouns alone.

Another way to think of a Subdomain is that it is a clear area of expertise, assuming that it is responsible for providing a solution to a core area of your business.

Each Aggregate forms a transactional consistency boundary. This means that within a single Aggregate, all composed parts must be consistent, according to business rules, when the controlling transaction is committed to the database.

An Entity models an individual thing. Each Entity has a unique identity in that you can distinguish its individuality from among all other Entities of the same or a different type. Many times, perhaps even most times, an Entity will be mutable; that is, its state will change over time. Still, an Entity is not of necessity mutable and may be immutable.

A Value Object, or simply a Value, models an immutable conceptual whole. Within the model the Value is just that, a value. Unlike an Entity, it does not have a unique identity, and equivalence is determined by comparing the attributes encapsulated by the Value type. Furthermore, a Value Object is not a thing but is often used to describe, quantify, or measure an Entity.

A Domain Event is a record of some business-significant occurrence in a Bounded Context.

You must show care in how you name your Domain Event types. The words you use should reflect your model’s Ubiquitous Language. These words will form a bridge between the happenings in your model and the outside world. It’s vital that you communicate your happenings well.

One of the greatest advantages of using Event Sourcing is that it saves a record of everything that has ever happened in your Core Domain, at the individual occurrence level. This can be very helpful to your business for many reasons, ones that you can imagine today, such as compliance and analytics, and ones that you won’t realize until later.

You must show care in how you name your Domain Event types. The words you use should reflect your model’s Ubiquitous Language. These words will form a bridge between the happenings in your model and the outside world. It’s vital that you communicate your happenings well.

Event Storming is a rapid design technique that is meant to engage both Domain Experts and developers in a fast-paced learning process. It is focused on the business and business process rather than on nouns and data. (…) It is a very visual approach, which dismisses code from the experimentation and puts everyone on a level footing with the design process.

I have already mentioned the tendency for teams to “design” using what I call “the task-board shuffle.” It’s just not the way Scrum was meant to be used on a software project. And, to repeat myself again, knowledge acquisition is both a Scrum tenet and a major goal of DDD but is largely ignored in exchange for relentless delivery with Scrum.